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Mary Fleener is one of the best known underground artists in America. Her distinctive style and wit has made her a truly unique artist. Mary can be seen in Drawn and Quarterly and in her own publication Slutburger

GarryMarshall Started working for ATOMIC way back at the beginning and has since gone on to great things. His work includes strips for the Megazine, Deadline and DC comics' Vertigo

Another contributor to Atomic in the past. As an artist, Chris Watson not only limits himself to comic strips. He has designed murals for pubs and installations as well as painting the LP cover for the Holywood Rockets

Well at last isn't it nice to see a robotic love story! This strip was written by Barnabus Netherwood and illustrated by Andi Watson. You can see their work in Deadline or in Andis own comic Skeleton Keys published by Slave Labor in America>

If you haven't seen John Miller's work before then you haven't been looking. he has contributed work to just about every small press comic going in the UK and never seems to run out of ideas for newer, weirder, funnier strips